Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Primary Use of Moodle

Moodle is a Virtual learning Environment used to deliver various IPA programmes and services. It supports the delivery of teaching and learning across the Institute.


Other Uses of Moodle

Moodle is also used, to a far lesser extent, to support administrative processes and some secure file-sharing.


Responsibility for Moodle

Moodle is hosted and maintained centrally. However, individual business units are responsible for the management and administration of their own areas in Moodle.  It is the responsibility of local managers to ensure that Moodle is both appropriate and suitable for the purpose for which it is being used, and that its use complies with IPA policies and guidelines. These policies include data protection, GDPR compliance, and copyright.


Support for Moodle Users

Support for Moodle users is provided by local managers and centrally by the IPA ICT team. Online guides are provided. Orientation sessions explain how the system works in the context of a specific programme.



The policies governing Moodle use are under regular review to ensure the system meets the IPA’s requirements. Significant changes are logged and communicated as per IPA policy.